Monday, September 27, 2010

More consistent to consider joining the Missouri Synod?

You'll find the comment below in its entirety here. It's dated September 25 at 12:09 p.m.

Anonymous said ...
Well, there you have it. join the “missery” (sic) synod and get rid of our female pastor.

For those of you who do not know, this responder refers to the Missouri Synod, which does not allow women to be pastors. Obviously, this is not a viable option for La Casa. I should note, however, that in this regard, La Casa has taken a stand against most of Christianity, which believes that Scripture does not allow women to be ordained as pastors. 

Anonymous said ...
I vote for that. At least it would be more consistent than what we are doing.

I'm pretty sure you're saying this tongue in cheek. I believe this proposed move leads us away from Jesus Christ, rather than closer to him. 

Anonymous said ...
Its also nice to know that being conservative is the test for a true Lutheran or one that is not a joke. I'll text that to Luther.

Wishing to conserve one’s traditions is not necessarily a bad thing or a joke.  However, traditions such as slavery - or even refusing to ordain women - fall as the Spirit moves among us and leads us to understand Scripture and revelation in new ways. I believe we should at least have a full, open, widely publicized presentation at La Casa from an advocate of this side of the argument. Then, after hearing the other side fully, let the congregation decide. I hope we will forestall a decision to leave at least until this happens.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it would be incorrect to say most Christians ordain women. Half of all Protestants do ordain women-Methodists, some Lutherans, Presbyterians, some Baptists, Episcopalians, and even many conservative folks like the Pentecostals.

    Of course, while women are commended as leaders in the bible, and Paul left women in charge of his churches , there is no scriptural backing for the current ELCA position. Truly, in this case only the Episcopalians in America and the UCC have done this as Christians. 99.5% of Christians still uphold the bible on this teaching.

    Yes, there are passages against women, as there are upholding slavery. THe difference is no other passages commend same sex relationships as they do uphold women in leadership and against slavery.
