Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ultimately, the Spirit will take us in the direction he wants for us

You can see the comment below posted here. It’s dated October 2 at 7:15 p.m. I made some initial comments underneath the original post, but I want to make a few more observations.

Anonymous said …
I think you mistake changes in technology and society and confuse them with God's eternal Word. of course we enjoy advances that people did not have years ago.

I would argue that I am confusing nothing.  Change is a gift from God too.  The difficulty is in determining how to interpret and use the change for the betterment of mankind.

Anonymous said …
But that doesn't mean scripture changes. The fallacy of the slavery and women in leadership roles strawman argument is just that...non-existent. Yes, there are passages in scripture that favor slavery and keeping women subordinate. However, the difference is that there are OTHER passages that uphold freedom for slaves and women as leaders in church .

Yet, some would argue the Bible has no anomalies. And the overwhelming majority of Christianity sees the scriptural arguments to keep women in subordinate roles as far more dominant and convincing than other passages. (I don't, and neither does La Casa, and I'm glad.) One has to read scripture through the lens of time to appreciate why such things as Paul said were believed in their day. I would say the Spirit is leading some of Christianity to have a healthier interpretation of Scripture on this matter and that it's not just an effort to be politically correct.

Anonymous said …
And therein is the difference. In the reading I have done of original languages, there is no mistaking that it means same sex relationships of a sexual nature.

Again, I would argue that in biblical times, same sex relationships as exist today did not exist then.  The question is not whether scripture addresses the issue, but in what time and place, and in what social conditions it was addressed.  And I stand by my original statement:  Nowhere in the 2,026 words attributed to our Lord and Savior does there appear any mention of same sex relationships.  And through the lens of Christ we see no comment on the issue.  Since we say we are followers of Christ, I suggest we practice what we preach.

Anonymous said …
You can say culture has changed, and we should change. You could say the issue of homosexuality may be a bit different. But you CANNOT ignore scripture on this issue and brush away seven passages, in addition to Jesus saying marriage is the ONLY place for sexual relationships.

I'm not ignoring Scripture. I've wrestled with it mightily. But I believe the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are leading us to the same kinds of new insights we've come to embrace on slavery and the role of women. The scriptures are not to be read solely as a stagnant, ancient text. Most of what it teaches are eternal truths - God created us. We fell. God redeemed and nurtures us because God loves us. Some of what it teaches comes out of strong cultural mores. Our job is to discern the difference, and sometimes we will disagree. Eventually, the Spirit will take us in one direction or the other. Until then, I think it's our job to treat one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Anonymous said …
So be honest, and say you are arguing from science or something else, but don't mislead and say that scripture means something else

So that we may be clear:  My theology and yours may disagree, but I mislead no one and neither do you.  Interpretive analysis may lead us to different conclusions, but I would argue once again, that without your piece of interpretation and mine, we are no closer to the final picture than we were when we started.  When two or more of us are gathered in His name, there is love.  And that is what we are both talking about.

Thank you for the time it took you to argue your points.  I see you are passionate, as am I, to understand more clearly what He would say to us.  Please remember to be present at the congregational meeting on NOVEMBER 7, and vote your conscience.  Yours in service to Christ, Tom.

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